The Most + Least Played Song Live Off Every Black Sabbath Album
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The Most + Least Played Song Live Off Every Black Sabbath Album

Here is the most and least played song live off each of Black Sabbath‘s studio albums.

I’ll be up front here, you probably already know the songs Black Sabbath has played the most.

But there are quite a few surprises in the list that you’ll want to look for. Keep an eye out for:

  • How many times the most played song is connected to the album title
  • How often the band dipped into less-popular albums like Forbidden and Cross Purposes from the Tony Martin-era.
  • The dramatic shift in album cover art
  • And just how many times they played Paranoid” through the years.

SPOILER ALERT: They’ve played songs from Paranoid more than 4,000 times with 1,094 of those being the title track.

READ MORE: Black Sabbath Albums Ranked From Worst to Best

Obviously, these numbers will change a little once Sabbath has their final show on July 5. But for now, let’s look back at how often (and how little) the band leaned into each one of its albums.

All stats courtesy of

Most + Least Played Songs From Every Black Sabbath Album

The songs Black Sabbath has played the most and least from each of their 19 studio albums through the years.

All stats last updated on Feb. 20, 2025 (via

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

Black Sabbath Songs Ranked Worst to Best (Ozzy Osbourne Era)

A total of 79 songs, including interludes!

Gallery Credit: Joe DiVita

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