Bunnie XO Will Never Allow Undeserving Woman On Her Podcast
Bunnie XO has a popular podcast, Dumb Blonde, which has featured various guests. She has interviewed many individuals from multiple backgrounds. She has had country music legend Dolly Parton and convicted murderer Wade Wilson on her podcast. Bunnie XO will have anyone with a good story to tell on her show. However, she has put her foot down and stated she will never have one undeserving woman on her podcast. Keep reading to find out more!
Bunnie XO Refuses Guest On Podcast
Bunnie XO hosts a weekly podcast, Dumb Blonde. She brings on guests to interview and speak about topics that other outlets may not discuss. Bunnie’s humorous approach to lifestyle and trending issues has a large fan base. Nothing is off-limits on Dumb Blonde. Bunnie XO and her guests discuss topics such as relationships, trauma, embarrassing moments, and real-life stories. The podcast focuses on embracing oneself, one’s story, and inner healing. Recently, Bunnie XO shared that despite her usual openness to a variety of guests, there is one woman she would absolutely never have on her podcast.

Bunnie XO revealed that she would never have Casey Anthony on Dumb Blonde. Anthony was arrested in 2008 and jailed in connection to the disappearance and death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee. Casey Anthony went through a very public trial over her daughter’s death, and many believe she is responsible for the toddler’s untimely end. The case was a significant headline in international news at the time. Casey has made a resurgence into the public eye following the creation of a public TikTok Profile. Bunnie XO spoke about Casey’s new TikTok, which featured a video of Anthony claiming to be an advocate for children. Bunnie said, “Claiming she’s an ‘advocate & researcher.’ But then has over 40k followers? You’re confused? I’m confused. I get being into true crime, but KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS ALWAYS.”
@ohheyitsbunnie claiming she’s an “advocate & researcher.”But then has over 40k followers? You’re confused? Im confused. I get being into true crime, but KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS ALWAYS. #bunniexo ♬ original sound – 𝐼𝓉𝓈𝓂𝑒𝒿𝓎𝓎
Casey Anthony Will Never Be On ‘Dumb Blonde’
Fans took to the comments of Bunnies’ social media post to ponder if Bunnie XO would ever interview Casey Anthony on Dumb Blonde. Bunnie was quick to reply that she would never have Casey on her podcast. She elaborated, “I could never sit across from this woman and not feel enraged,” she continued, “Because there are people who cannot have kids. And would love to have kids and deserve to have kids. And she was just not one of them.” Bunnie XO and her husband, country music superstar Jelly Roll, have been struggling to have children of their own and have been undergoing the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Bunnie XO does not shy away from interviewing criminals on her podcast, Dumb Blonde. However, she does not endorse Casey Anthony as a guest due to Casey’s background with her daughter Caylee. It was never proven in court that Casey was responsible for Caylee’s death; however, there was mounting evidence that Casey was an unfit mother and her neglect led to the toddler’s untimely death. Bunnie is very protective of children and does not endorse individuals who would harm them.
What Happened To Caylee Anthony?
Caylee Anthony was missing for over a month before her grandmother reported her missing to the police. During the process of the investigation, incriminating evidence was found on Casey Anthony’s home computer, which indicated that Casey was researching how to kill someone. The police found Caylee’s body in the woods near Casey’s home and arrested her on charges of first-degree murder. Casey claimed the babysitter harmed the child. She also claimed that Caylee’s grandfather had murdered Caylee to cover up his sexual abuse of the toddler.

Eventually, Casey Anthony went to trial on charges of first-degree murder but was acquitted. She was charged with lying to the police and sentenced to four years in prison but was let off with time served. Many people were upset with the results of the trial and believed Casey was an irresponsible parent and was involved in the disappearance and death of Caylee. Bunnie XO stated she would not interview Casey because she could never sit across from such a woman.
What do you think of Bunnie XO banning Casey Anthony from ever being on Dumb Blonde? Would you want to see her go toe-to-toe with Casey? Let us know in the comments!