Jelly Roll Rocks Micro Shorts In New Commercial
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Jelly Roll Rocks Micro Shorts In New Commercial

Amanda Nowitz
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Jelly Roll is rocking micro shorts in his latest commercial and he is leaving his mark. He has no problem making fun of himself as he has done so in the past with an Uber Eats commercial. Now, he is back and strutting his stuff. Keep reading for more details.

Jelly Roll Rocks Micro Shorts In New Commercial

Over the last year, Jelly Roll has become extremely health conscious. He was preparing to run his first 5K so he started to get in shape by training. When the race came up, he had dropped a decent amount of weight. Yet, there was so much more he wanted to lose, and was hopeful he could do so by the time his 2024 Beautifully Broken Tour began. While on his tour, he made sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle by working out and eating healthy. Jelly has since lost around one hundred and twenty pounds with fans in shock at his transformation.

Jelly Roll-YouTube
Jelly Roll-YouTube

He looks incredible but it was not just about looking good. He wanted to feel good and ensure he could and would be around for his children. Currently, Jelly and his wife, Bunnie Xo are undergoing IVF as they want to add a little one to the mix. He has put in the work and is continuing to do so as he plans to run another 5K. However, the first American Idol Artist In Residence has taken time from his schedule to have some fun. He just showed off his slim legs while donning micro shorts for a commercial.

Jelly pulls up in a red pickup truck with kids watching on. As he hops out, he reveals a shoulderless flannel, white tank, jean Daisy Dukes, and cowboy boots. He proceeds to flip his hair and strut inside and looks so good. Yet, it is the funny undertone that makes the commercial so much fun. Previously, he acted like he forgot he had a face of tattoos for Uber Eats.

Fans Love This Jelly

After seeing the commercial, Jelly Roll fans were obsessed with it and with him. The way he flaunted himself in the shorts was more than anyone expected but it delivered. Fans even compared him to supermodel, Cindy Crawford in the iconic Pepsi ad which was the inspiration behind the commercial:

  • Giving Cindy Crawford a run for her money
  • Never saw this coming 😂😂
  • This is so awesome I can’t stop laughing way to go Jelly❤️❤️❤️
  • Look at those sexy cut off shorts and the flick of the hair had me on my knees.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • New favorite commercial by FAR

There was nothing but love and praise for Jelly’s latest commercial and with good reason. He had so much fun and did not hide his personality. Furthermore, his body looked so good, regardless of if he was poking fun at himself.

What did you think of Jelly Roll in the commercial and did it make you love him even more? Let us know in the comments below.

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