THREATIN Is Back With A New Single & A Sad Story That Who Knows If It’s True
Threatin originally made headlines back in 2018 after booking a massive United Kingdom tour under false pretenses. Threatin mastermind Jered Eames promised venues huge turnouts with an extensive amount of fakery on the publicity front (fake coverage, fake live videos, fake social media likes, fake record label – you name it and the dude did it), but ultimately sold next to no tickets. This amount of fraudulent activity never quite having been achieved before and Threatin made international headlines.
Naturally the tour made zero money despite investments on Eames and his Threatin bandmates parts, which of course pissed them off. Eames and his business partners were sued by his then-bandmates Joe Prunera and Dane Davis, alongside Davis‘s mother Debra, for costs accrued during the tour that never really was a tour. Eames lost all three lawsuits and made headlines once again afterward for avoiding paying everyone. Eames eventually played a real show at the Camden Underworld in London on November 1, 2019 – one of the venues he lied to – and like, 50 people showed up.
Now out of nowhere, Threatin is back with a new single called “Die Young” that allegedly was recorded “in the weeks leading up to [Eames‘] hospitalization.” The song comes alongside a music video with loads of hospital footage and… I mean, who knows if this is all another massive stunt to get the Threatin name back out. I certainly hope Eames isn’t currently dying, but man would it be a real shit move if this was all another lie. Skepticism is also warranted in this situation given everything the guy has done.
Of the song and situation, Threatin wrote: “Due to severe health issues, Jered Threatin has been hospitalized. After years of misdiagnosis, it was discovered that he had a life-threatening illness. Following a series of heart attacks, he underwent an emergency open-heart surgery that left him in a coma.
“In a race against his declining health, ‘Die Young’ was recorded in the weeks leading up to his hospitalization. The new song has been released with a music video / mini-documentary that chronicles his battle with the fatal condition.”
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